Schwerin/Rostock/Stralsund (dpa/mv) – In seven cities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, several hundred people demonstrated on Friday for climate protection. The demonstrations took place under the motto of the global climate strike organized by the Fridays For Future movement. The largest demonstration took place in Rostock. Several events were registered there and around 300 people took part, as a spokesman for the Rostock police said. It went peacefully until late afternoon, it said. The demonstration in Greifswald was still running in the late afternoon.

The demonstrations in Schwerin (120 participants), Stralsund (70 participants), Neustrelitz (50 participants), Wismar (100 participants) and Ludwigslust (30 participants) were peaceful and uneventful, said spokesmen for the local police departments on Friday afternoon.

It was the twelfth global climate strike. On the Fridays For Future Germany website, the movement cited the urgency of a turnaround in mobility as the reason for the demonstration and called for a “stop to the expansion of motorways and better working conditions in public transport”. There were also calls for a faster expansion of renewable energies and for governments to adhere to the Paris climate agreement.