Some public facilities have already been on strike, now it’s going to continue: Verdi has called for nationwide warning strikes in daycare centers and social facilities for next Wednesday. Not only the strike, but also the date should have a symbolic effect.

The Verdi services union has called for nationwide warning strikes in daycare centers and social facilities next Wednesday. These are a reaction “to the completely inadequate offer from the employers from the second round of negotiations for employees in the public sector,” said Verdi. Accordingly, there could be restrictions on operations and closures.

Verdi and the civil servants’ association dbb are demanding 10.5 percent more income for the approximately 2.5 million employees, but at least 500 euros more per month. There had been no rapprochement in the second round of negotiations last week. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser already said in January that she was confident that she would eventually reach a fair agreement with the trade unions at the negotiating table, but also referred to the tight budget situation.

Deputy Verdi chairwoman Christine Behle described the employer’s offer as a “provocation”. The employees urgently needed more money “to pay for the sharply increased prices for rent, energy and food.” According to Verdi, the warning strikes will take place on International Women’s Day, since the majority of women work in social work, with a share of 83 percent.

The trade union is also organizing demonstrations and rallies throughout Germany on March 8 this year together with the women’s organizations of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) and feminist alliances.