Greifswald (dpa/mv) – In connection with the accommodation of refugees, there have been renewed protests in Greifswald. Before a meeting of the main committee, around 500 people gathered next to the town hall on Thursday evening, according to police estimates, and expressed their displeasure with the plans in the Hanseatic city. On posters they also criticized the federal government and its migration policy. According to the police, around 230 people came to a counter-demonstration.

The police positioned themselves between the groups and in front of the entrance to the town hall. The media and Mayor Stefan Fassbinder (Greens) were also criticized from the ranks of the larger assembly and from speakers, some of them clearly.

In the evening, the main committee wanted to discuss planned accommodation for refugees in Greifswald. The original plan was to set up container accommodation with 500 spaces in the Ostseeviertel in the east of the city. This met with strong resistance. The district of Vorpommern-Greifswald and the city then announced that several smaller locations would be examined as an alternative. Fassbinder and District Administrator Michael Sack (CDU) wanted to make a statement that evening. It was expected that only the citizenship would make a final decision in a special session.

Around 500 people had already protested against the planned container accommodation on Monday around a meeting of the Ostseeviertel district council. There had been hostilities against Lord Mayor Fassbinder, who left the meeting under police protection.