Día has received authorization for the sale or transfer of more than 200 of its premises and from Grupo El Árbol to Alcampo, the company reported this Thursday to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

Specifically, it is a portfolio of up to a maximum of 235 supermarkets, two logistics warehouses located in Villanubla (Valladolid) and certain contracts, licences, assets and employees related to said establishments and logistics warehouses.

In this way, the company communicated that all the conditions precedent to which the operation was subject have been fulfilled.

Specifically, these conditions were obtaining authorization for concentration control by the buyer from the European Commission and/or the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC), obtaining authorization by sellers from entities financial statements of the syndicated financing for the operation, and transferability of a certain number of variable stores based on various parameters.

The price of the contract, paid entirely in cash, may vary depending, among other parameters, on the total number of assets finally transferred.

The retail food chain reported at the time that it did not expect negative accounting impacts from this operation, the result of an agreement reached between DIA and Alcampo last August.

Having met the conditions precedent, the closing of the operation will be carried out through successive deliveries of batches of establishments that are expected to take place over the next few months according to the delivery schedule agreed upon by the parties.

The Company will inform in due course the final price of the operation, as well as the destination of the funds obtained once the execution of the operation has been completed.

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