A coastal real estate project in the heart of Comporta, about 50 kilometers south of Lisbon. A 5 star hotel. Three exclusive tourist centers. Two large sports facilities and several leisure facilities for a total of 123 accommodation units that make up 506 beds within a construction area of ​​some 30,000 m2. These are the details of the luxury tourist resort that Sandra Ortega wanted to build in Portugal and that for the moment the Justice of this country has paralyzed. The planned investment reached 200 million euros and was located in front of the port city of Setúbal.

Some had baptized one of the last virgin corners of Europe as the ‘new Ibiza’, but the decision of a Portuguese court to suspend the construction license means that it is now rather compared to the famous and controversial island of Valdecañas. , in Extremadura, on which a demolition order weighs that, ultimately, must be decided by the Constitutional Court. The project of Sandra Ortega, daughter of the founder of Inditex, has also clashed with environmental groups, in this case with the Dunas Livres platform. This organization denounced the environmental impact that urban construction would entail and has now celebrated the decision of the Administrative Court of Beja as a true victory. He has requested the immediate stoppage of the works already in progress.

Ortega had disbursed around 50 million for the land. The acquisition was formally carried out by the company Sonae Capital, as revealed by this company itself in its official statement sent to the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM).

In recent years, this area of ​​Alentejo has become an exclusive destination for celebrities from all over the world, including singer Madonna, actor Harrison Ford, Carla Bruni and the Casiragui family. In addition to celebrities, great fortunes have invested in the Alentejo region, such as the North American promoter Discovery Land, the Portuguese Coporgest or even the footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. The territory began to gain fame as it was considered one of the last virgin corners of Europe. As a result, exclusive tourists and investments set their sights on the area.

On the contrary, the Chamber of Commerce of Grândola reacted to the megaprojects and began to review, precisely a couple of years ago, when the project of the daughter of Amancio Ortega started, the regulations to maintain the natural area, so the requirements In order to obtain construction permits, they have become quite demanding with the environment in order to avoid its deterioration in the face of the numerous urban projects that are coming their way.

For this investment, Sandra Ortega created the company Ferrado Nacomporta, integrated into the Ferrado Inmobiliaria company, which already brings together various initiatives of the Galician businesswoman, and which also has another line of business in Portugal under the name Ferrado Oporto. As reported by the newspaper Expansión, the head of the business in the brick sector of Sandra Ortega closed two years ago with losses, after taxes, of 128.5 million euros, according to the accounts recently submitted to the Mercantile Registry. , accumulating two consecutive years of losses. Even so, with those losses, the Alejentejo coastal project was launched, now legally paralyzed, despite the fact that the project only affected the developable 20% of the land.

This week, the Portuguese court, before ruling on the merits of the matter, will have to assess whether the environmental platform’s complaint is well founded. In it, it affected “the very significant impacts on ecological systems, in addition to coastal risks, pressure on water resources, soil, air and landscape”, in the “last piece of wild coast in the country”. According to his letter, it is “a project that clearly, and with the connivance of the authorities, benefits private interests and covers an unprecedented level of destruction,” he says. As of the judicial decision, Sandra Ortega’s company has ten days to present the allegations.

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