Magedeburg (dpa/sa) – The training allowance for nursing assistants in Saxony-Anhalt is to be financed by the state from August. This was announced by Social Affairs Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) on Thursday in Magdeburg and referred to a decision by the state parliament finance committee. He cleared the way “to grant a minimum training allowance for nursing assistants”. The state budget would make around 2.4 million euros available for this this year.

The federal government is planning to change the law so that school fees can be waived and training allowances can be paid in the health professions. The regulation in Saxony-Anhalt is an anticipation of this.

“The attractiveness of these training occupations for young people urgently needs to be increased, also in order to counteract the shortage of skilled workers in nursing. The training allowance is a very important component here,” explained Grimm-Benne. Since 2019, the state has already taken over the financing of the exemption from school fees for the training of geriatric care assistants and geriatric care.