The foolish time is now also visible in the weekly report of the Robert Koch Institute. Countries “with stronger carnival activities” show significantly increasing values. However, doctor visits and hospital admissions remain stable. A certain group has the most difficult courses.

According to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), carnival celebrations seem to have led to more confirmed corona infections. According to the RKI weekly report (PDF), incidence values ​​​​have increased in regions “with stronger carnival activities”. Accordingly, the nationwide increase in incidence continued last week at a low level: it was estimated at 14 percent compared to the week before.

According to the report, however, the values ​​rose particularly sharply in Rhineland-Palatinate (36 percent), North Rhine-Westphalia (35 percent) and Saarland (34 percent) as well as in the 20 to 29 age group. This information only relates to laboratory-confirmed corona cases.

So far, the development has not been accompanied by any very noticeable changes in hospital admissions. The number of doctor visits for acute respiratory diseases remained stable last week and is in the range of the years before the pandemic, it said.

Furthermore, very old people from the age of 80 are most affected by severe Covid 19 disease courses and deaths. With regard to the virus variants, which have recently been increasingly spreading, the RKI states that no increased severity of the disease has been observed.