Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – The wave of digitization in banks, insurance companies and industry has brought the IT service provider GFT Technologies good business in 2022. Last year, sales rose by 29 percent to a good 730 million euros, as the company announced on Thursday in Stuttgart. The pre-tax profit increased by almost two thirds to a good 66 million euros.

The bottom line is that GFT earned more than 46 million euros, an increase of 55 percent. The management explained this with the high demand for digitization solutions from insurance companies and banks as well as positive currency effects. CEO Marika Lulay envisages further significant increases for the new year.

Sales are expected to increase to around 850 million euros in 2023. The pre-tax profit is expected to reach around 72 million euros. Shareholders can look forward to an increased dividend. The distribution for 2022 is to increase from 35 to 45 cents per share. While GFT slightly missed the expectations of analysts in terms of sales and slightly exceeded them in terms of profit, the experts had calculated a little more on average when it came to the dividend.

At the end of 2022, the Group had a total of 8,842 full-time equivalents, which corresponds to an increase of 15 percent compared to 7,718 employees at the end of the previous year.