The PSOE has been left alone in its defense that the motion of no confidence against the President of the Government should not be treated as if it were “a little theatre.” This position contrasts with that of Unidas Podemos and other partners of the coalition Executive in the Congress of Deputies, such as ERC or EH Bildu, who are evaluating the possibility of responding with a common strategy to Ramón Tamames -the Vox candidate to assume the command of the country – through minimal interventions to downgrade the political scope of the debate and try to visualize that it is a “little number”.

The Socialist Federal Executive has unanimously decided to address this matter “seriously”, take advantage of the “opportunity” to sell its management model and, incidentally, try to pigeonhole the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, within the framework of the “ultra-right” for having decided that his group will abstain from the vote. Apart from using the argument that it is a “constitutional tool”, in Ferraz they do not even consider frivolizing with the parliamentary mechanism that gave Pedro Sánchez the key to the Moncloa Palace in 2018.

«It is evident that not only do we not share the motion of censure, but it goes against us and we could be the first to be tempted to make this a corridor without giving it more value, but we believe that this attitude would basically favor those who preach anti-politics and who They always try to make it seem that the political groups as a whole are at our own distance from the problems of the citizens, “said yesterday the deputy secretary of the PSOE, María Jesús Montero. “This should be known especially by those who have presented them,” she added, implicitly alluding to Podemos, which also tried to unseat Mariano Rajoy through this procedure.

Not even Feijóo will go to Congress the day this initiative is debated so as not to participate in the “circus” and the “performance” of Vox. As the PP campaign spokesman, Borja Sémper, pointed out yesterday, “this is going to mean a breath of fresh air” for Sánchez and a “media bailout to divert attention” at the moment of the coalition’s “greatest weakness”.

For its part, Unidas Podemos is holding open conversations with its allies in the Lower House and there is still no consensus on the strategy to follow. “Given the grotesqueness and ridiculousness of this motion of censure, it should not make us waste too much time, neither the groups nor the population in general,” said his co-spokesperson, Alejandra Jacinto, yesterday.

The idea of ​​adopting a common strategy came from ERC last week when it was confirmed that the agreement had been closed for Tamames to lead this attempt at a political alternative, which was registered yesterday. The options that the parliamentary partners are considering, except the PSOE, are not to intervene in the debate or to do so in a minimal way.

In Vox they appealed yesterday to the Mediator case and the possible involvement of members of the PSOE in this alleged corruption plot, marked by alleged extortion and parties with prostitutes paid by businessmen from the Canary Islands to justify the motion of censure. “A dozen and a half deputies have turned this Congress into a brothel,” said its president, Santiago Abascal.

Vox’s plan, except for surprise, will only have the support of its 52 votes. Regarding the abstention of the PP, Abascal affirmed “not having thrown in the towel” in the hope that Feijóo will change this decision and opt for a vote in favor of the motion. “If he were to the contrary, we would support him,” he assured.

Abascal yesterday expressed his wish that the motion of censure – to which the president of Congress, Meritxell Batet, has to set a date – be debated before April so that, if it were successful, the new government could bring forward the general elections to make them coincide with the regional and municipal ones on May 28. A sector of the PSOE is also in favor of holding it “as soon as possible” so that the campaign for these elections focuses on the management of the institutions in which they govern.

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