Seriously ill and on the run: For a year now, the Thuringian Cancer Society has been helping tumor patients from the Ukraine who had to flee from the Russian attacks.

Jena (dpa/th) – Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, dozens of cancer patients who have fled there have received medical help in Thuringia. Almost 130 sick people from the attacked country turned to the Thuringian Cancer Society during this time, said its managing director Astrid Hessmer on request. Mainly there are breast, colon, lung and blood cancer patients in different stages of the disease, their average age is 50 years. You will be referred to hospitals and medical practices in Bavaria for treatment. Among other things, the Jena University Hospital and the Gera Forest Clinic treat Ukrainian tumor patients.

According to the observations of the cancer society, the seriously ill refugees are now coming from all parts of Ukraine, after the first phase of the war was initially mainly people from the east of the country. Even in areas less affected by fighting and destruction by Russian rocket or drone attacks, the clinics there now lack the necessary medicines and medical technology. Russia has been attacking civilian infrastructure in Ukraine for months.

From Hessmer’s point of view, the problem is often the accommodation of the refugees with life-threatening illnesses. Community accommodation is not suitable for these people. In Jena, for example, the city managed to find apartments for them.

The job centers have been responsible for Ukrainian refugees since last summer. They have statutory health insurance and the health insurance companies cover the treatment costs. Until then, the refugees had to be registered with the social welfare offices and registered with the cash registers.