Schwerin (dpa / mv) – The Schwerin CDU parliamentary group calls for more flexible working hours for women in the north-east. Their desire for more work often conflicts with inflexible working hours, said economic policy spokesman Wolfgang Waldmüller. He followed suggestions by the head of the Federal Employment Agency, Andrea Nahles. She sees the greatest and fastest-growing potential for securing skilled workers among women, who very often work part-time in a European comparison.

Nahles met employers, trade unionists and local representatives in Schwerin on Thursday. The main topic of the conference was the securing of skilled workers. “Ms. Nahles’ suggestions are plausible and relatively easy to implement. I advise the state government to adopt these suggestions as soon as possible.” Too much time is wasted in MV.

Women should be offered more flexible working time models as soon as possible. If necessary, the state must support companies in this. He also called for better career guidance for young people. After the pandemic, companies should make 2023 the internship year. Interested older people must also be made easier to work through flexibility. Waldmüller said that refugees could only make a limited contribution to covering the need for skilled workers – for example because of language barriers.