Schwerin/Kiel (dpa/mv) – Even in the manageable IT industry in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, women are in the clear minority. As can be seen from data published by the Regional Directorate North of the Federal Employment Agency in Kiel on Friday, only 1,000 of the approximately 6,300 registered employees in IT professions who were subject to social security contributions in the north-east were female.

Regional manager Markus Biercher gave several reasons for the low proportion of women of 16 percent. Many women still have misleading or outdated ideas about IT jobs. Entry and employment opportunities offered by the digital economy are also hardly known. However, companies still offer too few opportunities for part-time employment.

“Currently, 780 of the 6,300 employees work part-time,” reported Biercher. This is all the more regrettable as it is precisely in these professions that there is a technological possibility of making deployment and working conditions flexible and facilitating the compatibility of family and career. According to Biercher, of the 128 IT positions currently registered with the employment agency in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, only 5 are expressly offered as part-time positions.

According to Biercher, the Federal Employment Agency, in cooperation with the Tech in the City association, is offering digital information events at the beginning of March to get more women interested in IT jobs. “All inventors, hobbyists, designers, consultants, job seekers, career starters, career changers, non-specialists and those interested in IT are welcome. Please use this online offer,” Biercher advertised.