The bomb from the departure of Paolo Vasile amplifies its shock wave. In the last two weeks there have been several earthquakes that have struck the programs and producers that work with Mediaset, after the course that the new directive intends to print to its chains.

After the revolution revealed last Friday about Mediaset’s veto of 13 of its best-known faces, this Monday came the next step: the content and ethical principles that govern its workers and its programs from today.

If Rocío Carrasco, Fidel Albiac, Antonio David, Rocío Flores, Kiko Rivera, Olga Moreno, Marta Riesco, Gloria Camila, José Fernando, José Ortega Cano, Rosa Benito, Rosario Mohedano and Bárbara Rey will be banned from participating, even the simple mention, In Mediaset spaces, the new ethical code points to the usual container for these names: Save me.

The new leadership, led by Alessandro Salem as the new CEO, wants to root out some of the practices that have generated the most problems in recent years. The new principles that will govern Mediaset’s programming go through the prohibition of political opinions in entertainment spaces, the end of criticism of other spaces of the group or the veto to abandon live programs, among others.

But if those are the visible changes, the internal announcements are no less seismic either. The departures of managers have accelerated in recent weeks and this Thursday they affect the direction of communication. As EL MUNDO has learned, Sandra Fernández, until now media director of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, will be the new communication director of Mediaset, after leaving her position on the Government Council of the Community of Madrid.

With extensive experience in the media, Sandra Fernández came to the Community of Madrid from the content management of the production company Kometa Producciones. She was head of Nacional for OKdiario for two years, and before that she directed Un tiempo nuevo at Mediaset and was the creator and director of La Sexta Noche, for Atresmedia.

In the Community of Madrid, she has been the architect of the makeover of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, whom she has trained in front of the camera and has advised on styling.

The new dircom will replace Mirta Drago, who since 2003 has served as spokesperson for Mediaset, a position in which Paolo Vasile has complete confidence.

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