Rostock/Villingen-Schwenningen (dpa/lsw) – In the trial of the triple murder in Rövershagen (Rostock district), a former supervisor testified that, in her opinion, the accused had mental problems. Although he was friendly, he was shy and introverted, said the managing director of a temporary work agency from Baden-Württemberg on Thursday before the Rostock district court. He was also apparently afraid of his parents, which is why he went from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to Villingen-Schwenningen (Schwarzwald-Baar district) in 2018.

In Baden-Württemberg, the accused had worked for the temporary employment agency in various companies as a production assistant for a good two years before returning to his parents’ house in Rövershagen in 2021. The 27-year-old German is accused of killing his 52-year-old father, his 25-year-old sister and four days later his 48-year-old mother with a crossbow and a garden machete in his parents’ home in Rövershagen in February 2022. Two weeks later he is said to have buried the bodies in self-made coffins about ten kilometers away in a field near Roggentin (Rostock district).

During the trial on Thursday, the court played video showing the defendant in a police car shortly after his arrest in late March 2022. Apparently he showed the investigators the way to the place where the dead were found.

The trial will continue next Monday. A judgment is to be announced on March 13th. The accused face life imprisonment and preventive detention.