The number of rehabilitations due to mental illnesses in Germany has risen sharply. Their share of all approved rehabilitation measures increases from 9.7 to 18.8 percent. Within 20 years, the number of such rehabilitation centers has almost doubled.

More and more employees in Germany have to take advantage of rehabilitation because of a mental illness. This emerges from data from the German pension insurance, from which the editorial network quoted Germany. While the proportion of approved rehabilitations due to mental illness was 9.7 percent in 2002, it climbed to 18.8 percent last year.

In total, around 171,000 medical rehabilitations for mental illnesses were approved in 2022. Addiction disorders are not included in these figures. For comparison: in 2002 there were only 92,000 rehabs because of mental illnesses – also without addictions.

According to the pension insurance report, depression and anxiety disorders are the most common causes of treatment for women and men. The average age at rehabilitation for mental illness is 50.1 years.

“Our surveys have shown that around 82 percent of those insured have been rehabilitated because of a mental illness to stay in work,” said a spokesman for the pension insurance. Two years after the cure, 18 percent of those affected received a disability pension due to mental disorders.