Cock-a-doodle Doo ! The new program presented by Thomas Isle, former of “La Quotidienne”, on France 5, has the simple objective of making better known those who, by their talent and their work, carry high and far the French know-how. Why not ?

“5 a.m., the sun is rising over Chicago. In the first issue, dedicated to the natives of Alsace, the lack of originality of the concept is compensated by pop rock music, howling sirens and an overview of… Chicago at dawn to launch the report on Pierre Zimmermann. This baker moved to Illinois a dozen years ago with his wife and two sons. Since then, his big three-flour bread with an “F” has ensured him a good clientele.

Another sound effect, the conversation in Japanese that resonates in the streets of Niedermorschwihr (Haut-Rhin). The voice is that of Masako Shimizu, Christine Ferber’s “exporter”. The high-end media jam maker must present an original creation (grapefruit-raspberry-rose) to Japanese influencers for Mother’s Day. An exercise that the entrepreneur masters. While she seems less sure of herself during the following sequence, facing Pierre Hermé, another Alsatian whom she has known since adolescence and who acts as a guest-star, in the role of the buyer – very demanding .

Image magic

These pastry chefs share the top billing with three craftsmen. First Julien Calcatera, at the head of one of the last three foundries of French bells, which we discover in Menorca (Balearic Islands), for a repair, then in the belfry of the cathedral of Strasbourg, where he tests a drone 8.5 tons, and in his workshop to follow the step-by-step realization of a bell, until its spectacular installation in Kirchberg, Germany.

Then Cyril Bordage, master glassmaker at Lalique, in Wingen-sur-Moder (Bas-Rhin), for twenty-seven years, and who prepares, in addition to his working hours, the competition for Meilleur Ouvrier de France. “A Holy Grail,” he says, as the magic of the blown glass images work tirelessly.

Christian Deichtmann is, for his part, one of the few great cabinetmakers in France. In front of the camera, he stirs his homemade glue, repairs the marquetry of a piano, but, above all, shares, sometimes feverishly, the realization of a monumental sculpted library for the Library of the Dominicans of Colmar – that is to say more than a thousand hours of work.

“Excellence”, “prestigious”… While the commentary does not skimp on emphasis, everyone will be touched by the sincerity of these enthusiasts, who effectively make France shine on export. Even if it means adapting to the market: the signature dish of the Alsatian festival organized in Chicago by Pierre Zimmermann is… sauerkraut – but sauerkraut with scallops and munster cheese. Alsace, I tell you…