It wasn’t until December that investigators took down a right-wing terrorist group from the “Reichsbürger” milieu during a nationwide raid. Now the authorities are investigating again in the scene. According to the police, six suspects wanted to shut down the electricity in Germany – and thus prepare the overthrow.

In Bavaria, several apartments have been searched in connection with the “Reichsbürger” and “Prepper” scene. As the police announced, an investigation is underway against six suspects with a “Reich citizen” background. They are said to have aimed at a widespread power outage in Germany, which in turn was supposed to bring about a political upheaval. They are accused of forming and being members of a terrorist organization, the investigators said.

The officials of the Bavarian Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism (ZET) and the State Criminal Police Office searched in the Upper Palatinate and Upper Bavaria in six apartments and outbuildings of three suspects and one witness for further evidence, as the Munich Public Prosecutor announced.

The procedure has been going on for a long time, explained the Attorney General’s Office, where the ZET is located. “The accused are suspected of having planned from September 2020 to bring about a large-scale power failure in the Federal Republic of Germany by sabotaging power poles, which should enable other groups to take power through a political overthrow in Germany.” The allegation is therefore education and membership in a terrorist organization.

The accused are said to belong to the so-called prepper scene with a “Reich citizen” background. Preppers are people who prepare for possible disasters and emergencies, but also for disruptions to the social or economic order. Many hoard appropriate supplies, others build bunkers or practice survival techniques. “Reich citizens” do not recognize the Federal Republic and its democratic structures. Both scenes overlap.