Detmold (dpa / lnw) – Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is coming to Detmold next month. On March 5, the head of state will give a speech at the ceremony “900 years of Lippe and 50 years of the district of Lippe”, as the Office of the Federal President announced on Wednesday. This is a home game for Steinmeier. The Federal President was born in Detmold in 1956 and went to high school in Blomberg, around 20 kilometers away, in the Lippe district.

Alongside the Rhineland and Westphalia, Lippe is the smallest part of NRW. After the Second World War, the Lipper decided in 1947 against Lower Saxony and for North Rhine-Westphalia. The district of Lippe has existed since the NRW regional reform in 1973. It was formed from the districts of Detmold and Lemgo. District Administrator Axel Lehmann, Stephan Prinz zur Lippe and the head of the regional association Jörg Düning-Gast invite you to the ceremony together in the Landestheater Detmold.