The former Chancellor is suddenly retired and what helps her get over the impending boredom? A murder of a nobleman in the tranquil Uckermark. Katharina Thalbach takes on the role of the fairy tale Merkel and has a great time doing it.

Columbo, Derrick, Schimanski – and now Merkel: RTL has none other than a German ex-chancellor solve a crime for a new crime comedy. The film “Miss Merkel – Ein Uckermark-Krimi”, about which there had already been initial information in the past few months, has now been given a broadcast date. The private broadcaster in Cologne announced that it was scheduled to be broadcast on March 21 of this year (8:15 p.m.). The premise of the fictional story is that Merkel moved to a small town in the Uckermark to retire, where she lives with her husband and their pug “Helmut”. However, she is a bit bored. When a certain Freiherr Philip von Baugenwitz is found poisoned in a castle dungeon, she begins to investigate on her own.

The template for the project is the “Miss Merkel” book series by author David Safier. Katharina Thalbach (“The Tin Drum”) will play the main role in the television version. The 69-year-old has already played the former Chancellor (“Der Minister”).

“David Safier has turned Angela Merkel into a fairy tale character – a mixture of the real ex-chancellor and a sudden pensioner who turns into Miss Marple by Agatha Christie,” Thalbach was quoted as saying by RTL. “That relieves me of a realistic depiction of the historical figure Merkel. Safier is crazy and I can be crazy too, which makes it extremely amusing for me.”

Other leading roles include Thorsten Merten (“Spreewald crime thriller”, “ZERV”) as Angela’s husband Joachim Sauer, Tim Kalkhof (“The Cakemaker”, “Herr und Frau Bulle”) as bodyguard Mike and, of course, Merkel’s pug “Helmut”. Also in other roles: Thomas Heize, Maike Jüttendonk, Bianca Nawrath, Judith Neumann, Judith Engel, Taneshia Abt and Sascha Nathan. Directed by Christoph Schnee. The script was written by Stefan Cantz.