Waren (dpa/mv) – On the Mecklenburg Lake District, strangers stole two vehicles from the same car dealership within a few days. These are vehicles with a so-called keyless go system, as a police spokeswoman said on Wednesday. Both disappeared in a commercial area in Waren an der Müritz. The last theft was discovered on Wednesday night.

In order to escape, the thieves pushed away a very heavy boulder that served as a boundary. In both cases, license plates were stolen from nearby and attached to the cars with a total value of around 50,000 euros before the perpetrators drove away.

Cars with such keyless entry systems have been stolen from time to time in eastern Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for months. Perpetrators can use a laptop to hack the connection to the car relatively easily, open the vehicles, start them and then disappear. The police suspect organized crime behind it.