The spokesperson for Junts in the Congress of Deputies, Miriam Nogueras, starred in a peculiar image this morning in the press room of the Lower House during the usual press conference after the meeting of spokespersons. Before beginning her appearance, she approached the Spanish flag placed behind the lectern and dragged it away, leaving only the European flag.

When asked about this gesture in the round of questions, Nogueras assured that he did it “because it was very close”. But when the journalist qualified that the European flag was even closer to the lectern, the pro-independence deputy pointed out that “this one is not so close, it looks very cool. flag than this one”, he said, pointing to the European one and then to that of Spain.

After what happened, the Vox spokesman in Congress, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, has criticized the Junts parliamentary spokesperson for removing the flag when she has been “three and a half years” collecting from the Lower House.

“He has been enjoying a salary in Congress for three and a half years and until today, what a coincidence, when there are three months left for the elections, the little act with the flag does not occur to him,” said Espinosa de los Monteros.

The Spanish and European flags have been presiding over the Congress press room for the entire legislature, next to the speaker’s lectern and have never been displaced by openly pro-independence spokespersons from Bildu, ERC or CUP, among others.

Later, after reproaching Nogueras for this gesture, the Vox spokesman acknowledged that “one is free to feel more or less represented with whatever flag it is” but reminded the Catalan independence deputy that the “only reason” for which she can feel represented by the European is precisely “because it is Spanish”. “If she were not Spanish, she could not be European”, he has sentenced her.

The spokesperson for Ciudadanos, Inés Arrimadas, has repositioned the flag before her speech and has announced that they will present a letter to the Congress Table to guarantee respect for the official symbols at the seat of national sovereignty.

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