The rupture of a general Guadalajara-Madrid gas pipeline, near the municipality of Cabanillas del Campo, has forced the Government of Castilla-La Mancha to activate the Territorial Emergency Plan (Platecam) in the province of Guadalajara.

As reported by the 112 Emergency service, the Platecam has been activated as a result of the gas leak that occurred when some workers who were dismantling a company in the Cabanillas del Campo industrial estate broke the pipe on Francisco Medina y Mendoza street .

The leak has advised confining all the workers of the surrounding companies, while road traffic has been prohibited in the surroundings of the place of the event, in a radius of 800 meters, and rail circulation has been suspended on the track that was found in the immediate vicinity.

Technicians from Gas Natural, firefighters from the Azuqueca de Henares park, agents of the Civil Guard and the Cabanillas Local Police, and technicians from the Railway Infrastructure Administrator (Adif) are working at the scene of the accident, and media have also traveled preventive health.

In addition, a message has just been sent to the population of Cabanillas del Campo and surroundings through the Es-Alert protocol, advising of the emergency and with advice and indications of self-protection for citizens, has indicated 112, which has stressed that it is the first message of a real emergency that is sent in Spain through this Civil Protection notification system.

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