The PSOE no longer wants to “give it more thought”. The Socialists consider it impossible or, in the best of cases, very improbable, the hypothesis of reaching an agreement with their minority partner in the Government that allows a joint proposal to be brought to the Plenary Session of Congress that corrects the “undesired effects” of the law of only yes is yes. Consequently, they have decided not to promote more tug-of-war and to submit to the Chamber without changes their proposal to modify the norm on March 7.

The socialist spokesman in Congress, Patxi López, insists that the will of his group is to put an end to the “entanglement” as soon as possible and not give more scope to the noise that this rule is generating in the already flawed pre-election climate . López admits to knowing the seven proposals that the Ministry of Equality has raised since last December and ensures that between the first and the last there is no substantial change.

The Socialists take it for granted that from the purple part of the Government there is no intention of changing even a comma in the text of the law and they cling to the argument of preserving consent as its central core, a point that the PSOE emphasizes. that your proposition does not touch.

In this situation it is taken for granted that the socialist initiative will be taken into consideration by the Plenary Session of Congress on March 7 with a vote in favor of the PP. The popular ones have revealed that this proposal is practically identical to the one they registered on December 16 and for this reason they already anticipate their yes to it.

The popular spokesperson, Cuca Gamarra, has confirmed this position. “It’s not about,” she said, “who signs the proposal, but about starting to process it as soon as possible to correct the law.”

In this sense, the popular do not understand why the PSOE has again rejected today its offer to convene an extraordinary plenary session this Thursday to begin the urgent processing of the socialist proposal.

They attribute this rejection to the “fear” that it arouses in them to move forward with such a substantial issue with the support of the first opposition party and not with their preferred investiture partners. In short, in the PP they reproach Sánchez for putting his interest in keeping his coalition and alliances standing before defending the dignity and interests of victims of sexual assault and women in general.

Once the popular proposal to hold the extraordinary plenary session has been rejected, the date of March 7 is definitively confirmed, the day before the celebration of the demonstration for Women’s Day, to debate and undertake the processing of the proposal that must correct the the law of only yes is yes and the reduction in sentences that it is causing.

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