Dresden/Görlitz (dpa/sn) – The so-called problem wolf from Löbau continues to enjoy a grace period. As the Wolf specialist department in the State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology announced on Tuesday, the prerequisites for its removal are not met. This was the result of an internal audit.

Reason: The necessary protection of the animals in the game gate in Krappe near Löbau, which has been hit by wolves several times, is not completely guaranteed, the protective fence has a weak point. There it is slightly tilted outwards and instead of the required 1.80 meters it is only 1.60 to 1.70 meters high.

The Görlitz District Administrator Stephan Meyer (CDU) expressed incomprehension about the decision. “In view of the renewed wolf kills of two fallow deer calves in the past week, the current situation is no longer understandable and cannot be communicated to the animal owner, the population and the hunters available for the implementation.” He sticks to his criticism that “the current wolf management ordinance is unsuitable in practice and tends to exacerbate the conflicts with the wolf”.

“In this specific case, I expect critical self-reflection from the wolf department and an apology to the animal owner, since it can be assumed that further attacks will take place even after extended protective measures,” Meyer explained. There is an urgent need for action on the part of the Ministry of the Environment to enable a legally secure launch. The wolf population needs to be regulated via hunting rights, as is also practiced in other European countries.

The keeper of the game gate with fallow deer had already lost more than two dozen animals to wolf attacks. The district office had therefore approved a launch.