Cologne (dpa / lnw) – The Rose Monday procession in Cologne is significantly longer than planned. According to the Cologne Carnival Festival Committee, the 8.5-kilometer train should not reach its destination in the southern part of the city until well after 8 p.m. Before Corona, the event always ended around 6 p.m. This time, however, there was a different route. The train first started on the right bank of the Rhine and was then routed over the Deutzer Bridge.

“The train was 900 meters longer, but the route had fewer curves,” said a spokeswoman for the German Press Agency in the evening. Again and again, however, enthusiastic carnivalists would have stopped the procession with 12,000 participants. That probably caused the delay. Hundreds of thousands of spectators lined the route. According to the Cologne Carnival Festival Committee, it is not possible to give an exact number.