Heidelberg (dpa / lsw) – According to the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, politicians took a long time to tackle the reduction of bureaucracy as a stumbling block for more wind turbines. “We first concentrated on other things,” said the Green politician of the “Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung” (Tuesday).

“Our fight for a southern quota took us years, partly because of the EU,” he said. The less windy federal states in the south feel disadvantaged when it comes to tenders for wind turbines. That is why, among other things, the south-west is calling for the introduction of a south quota, which is intended to make the construction of new wind turbines more attractive here. However, the EU Commission had reservations about such a special rule because it feared a distortion of competition. Now there are other south-friendly regulations, Kretschmann told the newspaper.

“Of course you can say that we should have done it in parallel. We didn’t do that, it’s also a question of resources,” said the head of government. You always concentrate on certain things in certain phases. “But now we are working in unison with the federal government,” emphasized Kretschmann. The authorities have been upgraded and more areas have been reported. “The brakes are released.”

Nevertheless, Kretschmann relies on reducing bureaucracy. “It’s not all stupid rules. But there are too many,” he said. “We need more space for common sense again, so that the authorities can also react appropriately to the location.”