The court in the Gürtel case began the session on Monday calling for “calm and institutional respect.” It has done so after in the last session of the trial at the National Court the former Valencian president and accused Francisco Camps confronted the head of the corrupt plot, Francisco Correa, accusing them of sinking his life with their statements in the trial.

According to sources present in the room, Camps called Correa a “liar” and a “son of a bitch.” Correa subsequently submitted a brief to the court recounting what happened on February 6 and attributing to Camps a possible crime of libel and/or slander. This Monday, the Court of the Court has responded that it is not competent to investigate, since the incident occurred when the session had already formally ended and the court was not already constituted.

What the president of the court has done is transfer what happened to the Prosecutor’s Office, whose representative in the trial has summoned Correa to denounce it if he wishes before the courts of Torrejón, which are competent for events that occurred where the special headquarters of the audience.

“This court wants to call for calm and institutional respect. This is a democratic court and therefore it must preside over a minimum order on all occasions, refraining from issuing value judgments and any other type of comment to the parties that testify in this process”, affirmed the president of the court, José Antonio Mora Alarcón.

At the door of the court before starting the trial, Camps has denied that he told Correa what is attributed to him. “I told him that I did not want any harm for him or for anyone, I do not like anyone to have a personal problem of this magnitude, but it does not make sense for him to agree with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor and harm other people who have done absolutely nothing, That’s what I told him, I didn’t tell him anything else.”

After rejecting a new request from Camps to suspend the trial in which the award to Gürtel of a Fitur stand is being reviewed, the hearing has resumed with the statement of number two in the plot, Pablo Crespo. In his responses to the Prosecutor’s Office, he explained why after a stage of work linked to the PP in Madrid, they set their sights on the PP in Valencia.

“The basic axis of our deciding to establish ourselves in Valencia and not in another region like Murcia or Catalonia was exactly the good relationship that Mr. Pérez had with Mr. Camps. Our operational and commercial advantage was that. It is not the same to reach the door cold than being introduced by a person who has influence not only hierarchically, but probably morally. That’s the essence. We didn’t decide to go to Valencia because it was an extraordinary region, we decided to because we had that facility”.

The next to testify was Álvaro Pérez, formerly known as the Mustache for the peculiar mustache he had during the years under investigation and which he no longer wears in prison. He has also given his version of the transfer of activities to Valencia, explaining that Camps himself proposed it to him.

“One day he saw me suffer because I was a little tired of being in Madrid and he told me boy, go to Valencia, and here I am, president. He always gives me good things, he always takes care of me. He is great as a person and as a friend, never fails.” The words he has not said today, but are heard in the video of his own wedding, reproduced in the Room. Camps was one of the guests.

Telephone interventions from the months prior to the police operation that Gürtel dismantled 14 years ago have also been heard. One of them is from the Christmas before the arrests, in which Camps thanks Bigotes for the gifts he has given to his family and in which affectionate messages are exchanged: “Merry Christmas, dear friend,” begins Camps, who then he says “I want you an egg”.

The conversation does not include direct references to any of the contracts that support the accusation, but Anticorruption is interested in the mention that they were going to talk about “ours” at another time and that it reveals a relationship between the two that reinforces the accusation of drug trafficking. influences.

For the former president of the Generalitat, the Prosecutor’s Office claims two and a half years in prison for prevarication and fraud against the administration.

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