Köthen/Halle (dpa/sa) – According to the police, around 7,500 people celebrated enthusiastically at the Shrove Monday parade in Köthen. The motto here was: “Kukakö in the circus tent – ring free: a colorful world!”. “About 75 floats paraded through the streets and everything went peacefully and without incident,” said a spokesman for the Köthen police.

Patron Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) was there before the start of the parade for the reception of the carnival participants and for the group photo. “We feel very honored, this is an appreciation of the participating clubs and a symbolic gesture for the carnival in Saxony-Anhalt,” said the Senate President of the 1st Köthen Carnival Society Kukakö, Ronald Mormann. “It is a special achievement for the carnivalists to be back after this difficult time and to celebrate together with the audience.”

Actually, the Shrove Monday parade in Halle should also be loud and colourful. But shortly after the train started moving, there was a tragic end. A pedestrian was injured and taken to a hospital, police said. The Shrove Monday parade was cancelled. According to the police, the planned closing event on the market square was canceled.

In Saxony-Anhalt, according to their own statements, 190 clubs with around 17,600 carnival participants are currently organized in the state carnival association.