Parliamentarians, presidents of regions or departments… A hundred elected officials gave their support to the movement of the former Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, in a column published in the Journal du Dimanche (JDD). The signatories plead for “a left alternative” capable of “bringing together a majority of French people”.

“Faced with the unprecedented challenges facing us (…), we must more than ever offer a left alternative capable of carrying a project, of assuming responsibility and of bringing together a majority of French people, on the first and in the second round ”, thus write the signatories of the tribune. Among these are the president of the Brittany region, Loïg Chesnais-Girard, eight presidents of departmental councils or seventeen deputies and senators, mayors and local elected officials.

Bernard Cazeneuve, who left the Socialist Party in 2022, recently called for the creation of a “movement” to unite left-wing tendencies hostile to the left-wing Nupes alliance, after publishing a manifesto in September for “another LEFT “.

“Neither radicalism, which feeds the confrontation of all against all, nor the overcoming of the right and the left, which despairs those who wish for alternation, does not offer the path of concord, compromise and a nation finally calmed down. In this dangerous game, it is the far right that will come out on top in 2027, ”warn the authors of the forum.

If “the objective is not to create one more party”, Bernard Cazeneuve has begun the “organization phase of a structured movement in the territories”, explains to AFP the former minister of the quinquennium Hollande , Clotilde Valter. This movement, which will allow dual membership with a party, aims to “build a message, a project, with thematic conventions”, adds Clotilde Valter, deploring the absence of “proposals” on the left in the current debate on reform retirements.