The Gabriel y Galán Secondary School (IES) in Plasencia (Cáceres) will reform its library thanks to the inheritance of 300,000 euros that a former student, Pedro Castillo Mozún, who died in 2012 in Ronda (Málaga), has left to the educational center.

Castillo Mozún studied at the institute in the capital of Jerte in the fifties -he obtained his degree in 1955- and later graduated in Medicine, a discipline in which he excelled as a neurologist, although he developed almost his entire career in South America.

Four years after his sudden death, the current director of the IES Gabriel y Galán, David Moreno, received a call from Pedro Castillo’s landlord informing him that he had included the institute in his inheritance, as stated in the documentation that was found on the floor.

“Certainly it is something curious, because it is not usual for someone to leave an inheritance to a public institution,” Moreno himself has highlighted to EFE.

“It seems that this man had great appreciation for his training at Gabriel y Galán, a place where his teachers had made him a useful person and so what he wanted was to respond in some way to this,” explained the director.

His gratitude was such that he left a part of his inheritance, about 300,000 euros, so that a library could be built in the educational center in Placenta “if it did not exist” or to reform the existing one, in addition to donating a large number of books. .

David Moreno was appointed executor of the inheritance, however he decided to put the matter in the hands of the legal services of the Junta de Extremadura, since the center depends on the Ministry of Education.

“The technicians from the Board were in charge of the entire process, which is really being slow and tedious, since Pedro died in 2012 and we are in 2023 and everything has not yet been resolved, despite the fact that the expansion and reform of the library of the placentino institute is foreseen in the regional budgets”, he underlined.

However, Moreno has announced that it is now when the library improvement project is finally being finalized, as Pedro Castillo wanted and the reason why he decided to include the IES in his inheritance.

He is another former student of Gabriel y Galán, the architect Javier Campos, who is in charge of the remodeling project, so that later the works will be put out to tender and the improvement of the library, which opened in 1964, can be carried out.

“In the end, the Junta de Extremadura has agreed to increase the investment up to 400,000 euros to also carry out accessibility works, which means that the adaptation of this space, currently out of use due to the appearance of leaks, is going to be important and It’s going to look great,” the director assured.

In this way, the expansion and reform of the library will allow current and future students of the Gabriel y Galán Institute to enjoy a modern and equipped study and learning space thanks to the example of gratitude and affection towards the place where Pedro Castillo carried out part of your training.

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