Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – On the forthcoming third anniversary of the racist attack in Hanau, which killed nine people, Hesse’s state parliament president Astrid Wallmann (CDU) emphasized the dangers of right-wing extremism for a free, democratic society. “To oppose this ideology decisively and with all means is the task and obligation of all state power – but also of all citizens of our country,” said Wallmann on Friday in Wiesbaden.

The attack in Hanau has kept many people busy to this day – above all the survivors and victims. “The cowardly and cold-blooded act took nine people out of their lives. They all had dreams and plans for a life in peace and freedom. But they were killed because the assassin saw them as having no place in our society,” said Wallman.

“Even three years after the terrible act, our message is clear and unmistakable: the victims of Hanau were a part of us, they were our fellow citizens. The victims are not ‘the others’ – ‘the others’ are the perpetrators,” stressed the President of the Landtag. “Let us take the commemoration of the victims as an opportunity to counter xenophobia even more decisively. February 19, 2020 reminds us of this responsibility and obligation.”

On the evening of that day, a 43-year-old German murdered nine people in Hanau for racist reasons. He then killed his mother and himself. The victims will be commemorated this Sunday with a memorial service on Hanau’s market square and other events.