Alberto Núñez Feijóo intensifies his pre-campaign agenda as a declaration of intent against Pedro Sánchez. At a time when the President of the Government is criticized for having made two videos with some anonymous people who turned out to be close to the PSOE, the President of the PP is going to take to the streets to meet “cold doors” with citizens “not selected”.

As the starting signal for this strategy by contrast, Feijóo will travel in the next few days to five communities (Canary Islands, Castilla-La Mancha, Galicia, Balearic Islands and Catalonia), “combining political and sectoral acts with presence on the street with unselected profiles”. , has detailed the PP in a statement.

On Friday he begins his schedule in the Canary Islands, where he will visit La Palma and on Saturday, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. And before March, the president of the PP will travel to Santiago de Compostela, Ibiza, Ciudad Real and Barcelona.

“Feijóo wants to promote this contact with citizens, unlike what the President of the Government does, who lives a parallel reality and is disconnected from the problems of the people,” the PP pointed out. “Sánchez, in fact, has taken to recording videos without the presence of journalists with pensioners and young people who later turned out to be militants or socialist officials,” he added.

After visiting the Canary Islands, Ciudad Real, Santiago and the Balearic Islands, and trying to hold impromptu talks with its citizens on the trips he has planned, Feijóo will travel to Catalonia to attend the Mobile World Congress on Tuesday 28, “one of the largest world showcases in the telecommunications”.

In another order of things, in an act of Forbes held this Thursday in Madrid, Feijóo has criticized the internal “mess” of the Government and has predicted a clear victory for the PP in the local and regional elections on May 28. And he has complained about the high level of “tension” that has been generated by the “discredit of the institutions.”

Of course, he has settled the controversy over his discomfort in the face of that tension that exists in Madrid: “Yes, I have already gotten used to it.”

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