Ulm (dpa / lsw) – After the brutal beating attack on a police officer in Ulm, the police arrested three men on Wednesday. The police and the public prosecutor’s office said that an arrest warrant had been issued against her for attempted murder. They are now in custody. A 13-year-old fourth suspect is not criminally responsible and was handed over to his legal guardians.

They are said to have attacked and seriously injured a 25-year-old police officer in downtown Ulm last week. The man was out privately that evening. According to the police, the group had previously behaved suspiciously, after which the man called the police. The group then attacked him massively, although he also identified himself as a police officer. The group then fled.

The 25-year-old was taken to the hospital after the attack. According to police and prosecutors, he was still in hospital as of Wednesday, but is on the mend. The suspects are an 18-year-old with German and Turkish citizenship, a 23-year-old Turk and a 24-year-old with Serbian citizenship. The 13-year-old boy has Syrian citizenship.

“The police officer courageously and resolutely worked for our security in his free time and was attacked and seriously injured in a completely ruthless and brutal manner,” said Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) on Wednesday, according to a statement. He condemned the attack in the strongest possible terms. “The success of the investigation by the police headquarters in Ulm is important: We are taking tough, determined and consistent action against such brutal attacks.”