Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Baden-Württemberg wants to expand the aerospace industry with a new strategy. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann got an idea of ​​the research at the University of Stuttgart on Tuesday, where he found out about satellites and space debris, among other things. “We want to make the aerospace location in Baden-Württemberg even more visible and are putting a new focus on it,” he said. The shortage of skilled workers among engineers is a big problem, and a lot needs to be done to get enough young people for the subjects.

Based on the country’s image campaign, students presented the Prime Minister with self-made stickers with the slogan “The Sätellite. Nice here – but have you ever been to space?”.

Around 4.5 million euros will be made available for the space strategy in the 2023/24 double budget. According to the state ministry, aerospace is one of the most important sectors in Baden-Württemberg with annual sales of 4.8 billion euros.