The PSOE and Podemos are experiencing the most serious clash within the coalition on account of the reform of the law of only yes is yes. The position of these two formations is clear: the Socialists want to raise the penalties and unilaterally registered an initiative in Congress for this and the purples reject that initiative. The dialog is locked. There has been no progress. And in the middle, Vice President Yolanda Díaz, leader of the United Podemos space in the Government. Díaz, ambiguous and diffuse in her position, has distanced herself from Podemos, rejecting the ways used by ministers such as Ione Belarra or Irene Montero in addressing the PSOE.

“The forms in politics are key, sometimes more than the substance,” the second vice president responded when she was expressly asked if taking care of the coalition as she has asked is to say that the PSOE is afraid and that it aligns itself with Feijóo. Díaz has shown that there are different and distant positions between the two executive formations, but she has also made it clear that she does not quite feel comfortable with the forms and messages that these days are launched from the acts and appearances of Podemos. She has even gone so far as to state that the debates, within the coalition, “do not always go for shirts”, alluding to the fact that they do not always involve a clash between socialist and purple ministers, but that, on occasions, there are mixed aligned positions .

On account of the intense and serious clash that is being experienced in the Government, Díaz wanted to show that the message and the forms that are being transferred to the citizens are not shared, and as requested by the PSOE, she wants to “take care of the coalition”. To do this, she wanted to mark a personal profile and distance, despite the fact that she is the theoretical leader of the United We Can space: “I am a minister who is in the economic area. I have had intense debates and nobody has found out about them.”

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