B2B Discount is a global platform created to help international businesses get in connection. If you have a company in the industry of export-import, we can provide you with a handy and simple tool to reach foreign partners, carry out procurement, and sell out or buy abandoned goods. We do not sell or buy anything ourselves, merely serving as a broker for you. Think of an online platform like Amazon or Etsy, where stores, manufacturers, crafters, etc. post their products, and the customers have a wide selection of buying options. We do not participate in the payment process as well: all business details are discussed privately between the seller and the buyer once they’ve found each other through our website. B2B Discount is a safe space: all posts that you will find on the platform were carefully pre-moderated by our managers. We request and study copies of the shipping documents for the goods to be offered. This guarantees you that the offer you see belongs to a legitimate company or a private entrepreneur, and the products really are unclaimed cargo.

What does “unclaimed cargo” mean?

Hold on! We are getting ahead of ourselves. If you are hearing the term “unclaimed cargo”, it could get tricky to understand. How can this happen so that a large and expensive shipment has no destination? Let us start from the beginning! In simplistic terms, an international logistic chain looks like this:

  1. Two parties sign a contract for the international shipment of the product batch.
  2. The exporter ships the goods.
  3. The container with the B2B cargo arrives at the port of the country of designation.
  4. The consignee claims the goods.

As you can see, “unclaimed cargo” is a term referring to the B2B products that were never received by the intended importer. There could be several reasons for that:

  • Consignee bankruptcy;
  • Business disagreements (e.g. the importer was not clearly aware of the import taxes and now they refuse to pay them);
  • Cargo discrepancies, when the items delivered are perfectly fine in terms of quality but they are not quite what the important wanted to get;
  • There could be rule changes or additional papers required due to which the cargo is rejected at the destination port.

Duly note that we do not mention here the cases when the cargo was damaged or fraudulent schemes meant to get rid of illegal or waste cargo. Although they definitely exist, they are not related to the products marketed through B2B Discount, thanks to our pre-moderation system. So, the B2B cargo that nobody claims is a huge problem for the seller. They would have to pay all the storage and port fees, cover the costs of the demurrage, and then pay to dispose of the goods if they remain undemanded or/and expire. What they urgently need, is a new customer, and this is where our part in the play begins.

How do we make it work?

There are three ways for our sellers and buyers to connect:

  1. Unclaimed cargo. This is our main page that contains every offer regarding the unclaimed cargo there is on our platform. We’ve added four convenient filters so you can sort them via the transport type, product category, country of assignation, and country of designation.
  2. B2B Market.Just a classical marketplace for international companies. The exporter fills up its company’s profile and creates a showcase. The customer does not need to scroll through every other offer from the sectors they are not related to. We’ve added a search bar and also sorted everything for you into neat categories from agricultural products to watches and jewelry. Thus, you can quickly look if there is something you can be interested in.
  3. TradeBid. It is a tool designed specifically for buyers throughout the world. When you need a specific product, you create an RFQ (which means “request for quotation”), fill in all the requirements that are important to you, and wait for the offers from the global vendors. The buyer gets to choose the best offer, and the vendor can search for potential customers in the RFQ list.

Registration on B2B Discount is free, and we take neither commissions for posting an offer nor signing a deal successfully. The only requirement for the sellers is to put up a discount in a range from 5 to 90 percent from the initial contract price. It is beneficial for both parties as the exporter gets to sell their products and stop losing money for the goods’ idleness, and the customer can enjoy a profitable price. Every unclaimed cargo offer includes shipping documents you can look at and has undergone a verification process so you can be sure you will not be scammed.

B2B cargo with a discount

You may ask, what are your reasons to use B2B Discount? We can answer this—what is the reason not to? But, in all fairness, let us sum this up. What benefits do we offer buyers?

  • An option of getting quality cargo with a discount;
  • Ability to check all the shipping papers on the go;
  • You can establish a long-term and beneficial partnership with a seller;
  • You can easily reach verified foreign sellers.

What is the profit for the sellers?

  • You do not lose money on the unclaimed cargo;
  • You can expand your business globally;
  • You can find new customers more easily.

Start a free account on B2B Discount to see what the global market offers you today! No hidden values, no commissions, just a safe space to connect exporters and importers and encourage thriving partnerships all over the world.