Munich (dpa/lby) – In the struggle for the construction of the second main S-Bahn line in Munich, transparent handling of the mammoth project is to be stipulated in the construction and financing contract. Negotiations are currently underway with Deutsche Bahn on the fifth addendum to the agreement, said a representative of the Bavarian Ministry of Transport and Building on Tuesday in Munich. In this addendum, exactly these points should be fixed in writing so that the track can then be nailed down.

Massive cost increases and significant delays became known in 2022. Instead of 3.8 billion, there was suddenly talk of 7.049 billion euros and the completion date moved from 2028 to 2035, possibly even to 2037. Since then, there has been discussion about how long the state government has known and whether the facts may be for tactical reasons were kept secret.

In the parliamentary subcommittee “Future Main Route”, a ministry representative now said that Deutsche Bahn had declared in 2019 that the rescheduling of the main route was cost-neutral and only led to a postponement of two years to 2028. Deutsche Bahn only gave reliable figures in September 2022. The replanning was carried out, among other things, to make preparations for the later construction of the new subway line 9. Construction supervisor Wolfang Rauscher pointed out the enormous complexity of the changed project. This turned out to be a completely different measure.

With the construction of a second tunnel tube through the center of Munich, the previous route should be relieved. The S-Bahn network opened in 1972 was then designed for 240,000 passengers per working day. There are now around 950,000. Since all lines run through the same tunnel tube, there are often disruptions and sometimes everything comes to a standstill. The second route should bring relief here.