Leipzig (dpa / sn) – Unknown people have let the air out of the tires in at least 54 SUV vehicles in Leipzig and left letters of confession with a “climate policy background”. As a police spokesman said on Tuesday, a driver is probably in danger as a result of the action on Autobahn 9. The “Leipziger Volkszeitung” first reported on this. The state protection of the Leipzig criminal police has taken over the investigation.

According to the police, strangers had let the air out of the tires in at least 54 SUV vehicles in the Waldstrasse district on Monday night. Accordingly, the valves of the tires were manipulated and climate policy confession letters were left. For tactical reasons, the spokesman did not give any details about the content of the letter.

According to the police, a driver did not initially notice the probably damaged left rear tire and drove his car onto the A 9 in the direction of Berlin. He was in the left lane at the Kapellenberg Ost service area when the vehicle swerved to the left at a speed of around 150 km/h and the rear left tire began to smoke. The driver brought the vehicle under control and was able to stop at the chapel mountain rest area. There he is said to have noticed the manipulation of the left rear tire. According to the police, the driver was not injured.

There had already been several attacks on car tires in Leipzig last year. In June, unknown persons had also let the air out of the tires of more than 20 parked cars in the Waldstrasse district. According to the police, the cars were mainly “SUVs or other high-quality sports cars”. At that time, too, letters of confession were left with “related to environmental activism”.