Ten years ago, the fatal shooting of South African model Reeva Steenkamp made headlines around the world. None other than the Paralympics star Oscar Pistorius, who was in a relationship with her, gave her up. The prison sentence he is serving as a result could now end prematurely. But the victim’s family is against it.

It’s been ten years this Tuesday since model Reeva Steenkamp lost her life. On February 14, 2013, she was shot dead by her partner Oscar Pistorius. The athlete was therefore ultimately sentenced to 13 years and five months in prison.

Nevertheless, Pistorius, who had shot the 29-year-old four times through a closed door, could now be released within a few weeks. The prerequisite for this would be that his application for parole is approved. However, if Steenkamp’s family had its way, he would probably remain behind bars.

The victim’s parents, Barry and June Steenkamp, ??are said to have initially forgiven the 36-year-old for the fatal shots at their daughter. Last year, Barry Steenkamp then met Pistorius in prison as part of a program for victim-perpetrator dialogue – June Steenkamp did not come to the meeting, contrary to what was initially planned. However, he had a letter from her with him, Barry Steenkamp said, according to a report by the “Daily Mail”. When he read it, Pistorius suffered a breakdown and cried “like a child”.

Nevertheless, the athlete stuck to his version of events. Accordingly, he did not shoot his girlfriend on purpose. Rather, he thought there was a burglar in the bathroom when he fired the fatal shot. However, Reeva Steenkamp’s family does not want to accept that. “After all these years, we’re still waiting for him to admit he did it out of anger. That’s all we wanted,” Barry Steenkamp quoted the Daily Mail as saying. And further: “He should stay in prison.”

A court initially sentenced Pistorius to six years in prison in 2014. However, prosecutors appealed the decision. In 2017, South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal finally set the sentence at 13 years and five months in prison. According to South African law, Pistorius could be released on parole in 2023.

Oscar Pistorius, who was born with malformed feet, had both legs amputated below the knees when he was still a child. As an adult, he made a name for himself as a top Paralympic athlete. He won six gold medals in various running disciplines at the three Paralympic Games between 2004 and 2012. Because of his lower leg prostheses, he was given the nickname “Blade Runner”.

Steenkamp started modeling as a teenager and gained notoriety beyond the borders of South Africa. She and Pistorius got together in 2012.