Online dating — love it or hate it, it’s a modern-day way of meeting people that’s nearly impossible to avoid. At some point in time, we’re all likely to test the waters and create an online dating profile. With so many eligible singles to meet, it seems like it would be quick and easy to meet someone that way. However, that’s not always the case.

While some experience success, it’s not uncommon to struggle at first. The world of online dating can be confusing and challenging to navigate. Here are six tips if you’re a newbie or currently having trouble.

1. Remember Safety First

It’s important to remember that the online dating pool is huge. Once you join a platform, you may find yourself setting up more dates than you ever have before. While this is exciting, it’s also a time when you need to be smart. There are things to think about as far as your health and safety go. Be responsible and make sure you take the appropriate precautions before dating.

Safety refers to a variety of things. It means being smart when you share information with a romantic interest. It includes sharing your location with friends when you start going on first dates. Your sexual health should also be a safety concern. Consider going on birth control if you aren’t already on it. If you’re already starting to date, don’t fret. Thanks to telehealth providers, birth control is readily available online if you need it in a pinch.

2. Have An Open Mind

When you begin online dating, it’s important that you go into it with an open mind. Instead of passing quick judgments and treating online dating like a game, take it seriously. Remember, all of these singles are people just like you. And, like you, they’re putting themselves out there in hopes that they’ll find what they’re looking for.

Does this mean you have to match with every single person you come across on a dating site? Absolutely not. You should obviously be on the lookout for people who you’re interested in. But at the same time, don’t be afraid to match with people who don’t check all of your boxes. If you like one thing about a person’s profile, shoot your shot!

You never know what a match could lead to. Maybe the conversations will be great. Maybe the first date will be even better. A positive attitude and open mind will take you far on your online dating journey, so make sure you have both.

3. Know What You’re Looking For

While it’s important to have an open mind, you also need to know what you’re looking for in a partner. Every individual has their own set of core values and non-negotiables. Knowing these ahead of time before you jump into online dating will make the process easier. Physical attraction is important, but asking the hard-hitting questions is how you’ll really know it’s a match.

If you’re unsure of what questions to ask when online dating, think about what’s important to you. What do you look for in a partner? Let this guide your list of questions for new matches. When asking the questions, see how well you vibe with the person. If you like their answers and the conversation is flowing easily, you may have found yourself something special.

Pro online dating tip: Even if you’re vibing with someone, continue swiping and matching. Keep your options open (you’ll have plenty). And until you get serious with someone, you’re free to talk to and date whomever you’d like.

4. Practice Open Communication

Open communication is important, and you shouldn’t be afraid to speak exactly what’s on your mind. It’s this very fear that leads to so many people not having success with online dating. Practice open and honest communication when you start talking to someone. This open line of communication is key, especially at the beginning of a relationship. It dictates how you will continue to communicate throughout the rest of the relationship.

For example, when talking to someone, make sure to ask yourself, “is this progressing how I’d like it to?” If it’s not, you may want to bring that conversation up yourself. As scary as it can be, you have to know the answer. Two people need to be on the same page for a relationship to work. Just remember, it is possible to lean into online dating while also protecting yourself emotionally. It’s all about finding the right balance. Ask the questions you’re comfortable asking, and move at a pace that’s comfortable for you.

5. Don’t Waste Your Time

If you’re keeping an open mind about online dating and practicing open communication with every match, you’re doing enough. You certainly shouldn’t waste your time on anyone who isn’t worth it when you’re giving it your all. Know when to say enough is enough. Also, understand that you deserve the same level of effort that you’re giving.

If you’re falling for the person who won’t respond to your messages, take a step back for a second. Is it the person you like, or is it the idea of the person? Or, what is it that you’re really seeking? Often, we only want people to respond because we want validation. Most importantly, listen to your gut. If you have a strong feeling that someone isn’t right for you, you should probably listen to that instinct.

6. Be Patient and Trust the Process

Last but not least, remember that in real life and online, dating is a process that takes time. Just because you suddenly have a larger pool of people at your fingertips doesn’t mean there won’t be difficulties. Don’t expect to meet the perfect partner overnight, but at the same time, don’t give up on the process.

Online dating can be a journey. Just like any dating expedition, there will be unexpected twists and turns. There may even be  heartbreak or the occasional hookup. Know that no matter what happens, it can still work. Trust the process. All it takes is one person. And if you need to take a break from dating sites to recoup, do it!

Meeting other singles is entirely possible thanks to online dating. Just remember that it might take time to meet someone online. Be safe, communicate openly, and know what you want. But while you’re at it, you might as well have fun, so try not to take it too seriously!