Chemnitz (dpa / sn) – more and more pensioners in Saxony continue to work. In the middle of last year, around 11,900 seniors of retirement age were employed subject to social security contributions, as informed by the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency. That was 1,000 more than a year earlier and almost 3,700 more than five years ago. There are also around 46,600 senior citizens who supplement their pension with a mini-job. Their number has increased by around 3,600 (8.5 percent) over the past five years. The “Freie Presse” had previously reported on the figures. According to the State Statistical Office, almost 1.082 million men and women aged 65 and older live in Saxony.

The regional directorate assumes that the number of seniors with a job will continue to rise. In view of the shortage of skilled workers, companies are well advised to improve the general conditions for older people. They are often well qualified and have a lot of work and life experience. The reasons given for people still working after retirement age included enjoying work, a desire for social contacts and variety, but also that the pension is not sufficient.

According to the information, most retirees work in office jobs, as drivers or in medical professions.