Édouard Philippe assured Thursday that he supported “without ambiguity, without flat, without I don’t know what little convolution” the pension reform carried out by the government which “aims to restore financial balance” and “tries to correct some injustices” . “If we want to guarantee our country, which is difficult, constant prosperity, even more prosperity, and if we are to finance measures of social justice, then we must work harder,” said the former Prime Minister during his speech. an interview with BFMTV.

“There are advances in this text, there will undoubtedly be others during the discussion in Parliament”, developed the president of the Horizons party, an ally of Emmanuel Macron but criticized in the presidential camp for not s engage sufficiently in the defense of the text.

But “let us be careful […] that, anxious to ensure that the reform is better accepted, and anxious to ensure that there is more justice, which is never a bad objective, we lose sight the imperative of balance of the system”, nevertheless warned Édouard Philippe. Asked about the Horizons deputies, half a dozen of whom are reluctant to vote for the text, Édouard Philippe replied: “I don’t think there are any refractories. […] There are members who ask questions, and they are quite right. »

These deputies “say as it stands that they will not vote. I would prefer them to say, “I wish there was this or that to vote for it.” But let’s move on…”. “I will never ban or criticize an MP, in my camp or elsewhere, because he asks questions, he interrogates and he wants to improve a text. It’s his job, “insisted the mayor of Le Havre.

Former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe described his relationship with President Emmanuel Macron as “cordial”, “loyal”, but “distant”. “When I am asked the question, I often say that they (these relations, editor’s note) are both cordial and distant”, declared on BFMTV Édouard Philippe, who was head of government from 2017 to 2020, and to whom are lent presidential ambitions in 2027.

These relations “are cordial because (…) I like to discuss with him, I always learn a lot when I listen to him, that I had the opportunity to work very closely (…) when I was at Matignon, that I helped him in his presidential campaign, ”detailed Édouard Philippe, now president of the Horizons political movement, an ally of the majority.

His relationship with Emmanuel Macron is also “loyal. Whenever the President of the Republic is in the breath and in the ambition of the reforms of 2017, I am with him and behind him”, he underlined. “Now (our relations) are a little more distant, because I’m here (in Le Havre, editor’s note), he’s in Paris and because we don’t have immediate proximity,” he added.