Münster (dpa / lnw) – NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) has decided to donate blood regularly again. “During my studies I managed to do it more often than in the last few years, but I want to try to do it more regularly in the future,” said Wüst of the German Press Agency. He put his good intentions into practice on Thursday in Münster and had half a liter of blood taken at the blood donation center of the university clinic.

“I would be happy if more people would make the small effort and do a great service for the community,” said Wüst. Especially in the North Rhine-Westphalian metropolitan areas, there is a regular lack of blood products that are needed in hospitals, for example for operations, for cancer patients and accident victims. “Every blood donation helps people in need and, in case of doubt, saves lives – and each of us can be dependent on a blood donation at some point,” said Wüst.

“I donated blood for the first time during my studies. Friends took me to a blood donation appointment at the time,” the North Rhine-Westphalia head of government told the dpa. “By donating blood, I realized how easy it is to help other people with this little spade and with a bit of time.”