Munich/Regensburg (dpa/lby) – In connection with the Regensburg corruption scandal, a local building contractor and his co-defendant, former managing director have been sentenced to probation and fines for violating the party law and for granting benefits. The accused have confessed. The verdict in the appeal proceedings before the District Court of Munich I is not yet final. The background is, among other things, donations in the 2014 local election campaign to the SPD local association of the then mayor candidate Joachim Wolbergs.

The Economic Criminal Court imposed a suspended sentence of one year and six months and a fine of 1.5 million euros on contractor Volker Tretzel on Thursday. His former managing director received a suspended sentence of one year and three months, as well as a fine. In doing so, she largely followed the requests of the prosecutor and the defense. The verdict and the pleadings were preceded by an agreement between the parties involved.

In November 2021, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in Leipzig overturned parts of the initial judgments of the Regensburg Regional Court from 2019 and referred them to an economic criminal chamber of the Munich I Regional Court for trial.

In 2019, Wolbergs was found guilty in two cases of taking advantage and was acquitted of further allegations. The Federal Court of Justice also overturned this judgment in part and found it too lenient. It is also to be renegotiated before the Munich I Regional Court. A date for this has not yet been set.