Dresden (dpa / sn) – Saxony wants to create a master plan for tourism. “The focus is on the areas of marketing, year-round tourism, sustainability, skilled workers, digitization, mobility and financing,” said Minister of Culture and Tourism Barbara Klepsch (CDU) on Wednesday in the state parliament. In view of the many challenges, it is important to keep an eye on the “big picture”. Tourism is well positioned in Saxony. But you have to strengthen the existing basis and agree on what should be retained and where you want to open up new topics. It is about a joint agreement between politics and the industry “how and in which direction tourism in Saxony should develop”.
In culture, two fields in particular are to be cultivated in the next two years: museums and libraries. The museum concept for 2030 is due to be updated for the collections. The main focus here is on challenges such as digitization, mediation and provenance, said Klepsch. A development plan for the libraries is aimed particularly at institutions in the countryside. In 2024 the opening of the “Archive of the Avant-garde” in the Dresden Blockhaus and the puppet theater collection in the Mitte power station are planned. With a view to the Sorbs, Saxony wants to agree on a fifth financing agreement with the federal government and the state of Brandenburg in good time.
According to Klepsch, Saxony, together with the federal government, is supporting the expansion of the space museum in Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz. The federal and state governments would each contribute four million euros for this. “We are also ready when it comes to an additional new building for the Karl May Museum in Radebeul.” A major project is the 5th Saxon State Exhibition in 2029. “This year marks the beginning of the ‘600 years of electoral dignity’ anniversary, before we look back on 1,100 years of Saxon history in 2029.” 2026 is planned as a year of Jewish culture. Saxony wants to remain the “number 1 cultural travel destination in Germany”.
At the beginning of her speech, the minister was inspired by a picture by the painter Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840): “The Wanderer above the Sea of ??Fog” against the backdrop of Saxon Switzerland. “I am aware that the hiker’s view of the landscape in the picture is not clear due to the thick fog in the valley. For me, this is a symbol of the major challenges that culture and tourism are currently facing: the corona pandemic, a shortage of skilled workers, price increases , Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine in violation of international law.”