Düsseldorf (dpa/lnw) – Starting this week, around 150 million euros can flow to the municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia for people in social emergencies. The money should help to find a way out of emergencies, said Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) on Tuesday of the German Press Agency in Düsseldorf. The funds from the “NRW Strengthening Pact”, which the state government announced at a conference against poverty in December, are intended to benefit single parents, the unemployed, older people with low pensions or the homeless. “Affected people will be helped regardless of the person and regardless of the reason why someone is poor,” assured Wüst.

The amount of the grants depends on the absolute number of minimum income recipients in each municipality. According to the state government, cities that are not part of a district have 79 euros, towns and municipalities that belong to a district 63 euros and each district 16 euros per recipient. The payments can therefore be made if the municipalities have waived legal remedies.

“Poverty always means: fewer opportunities, less social participation,” said Wüst. Therefore, as promised, the aid should flow in a targeted and uncomplicated manner into the social infrastructure of the 396 cities and municipalities as well as 31 rural districts. “We support those who help others in the food banks or homeless facilities,” explained the Prime Minister. “We strengthen those who stand by people in emergency situations with advice and action.”