How corrupt is Ukraine? According to Transparency International, the country has improved significantly over the past eight years. Despite the Russian invasion, Kyiv is taking real steps to fight corruption. Things are worse in Russia.

Ukraine improves in Transparency International’s corruption ranking and is now 116th in the world. While the country received 25 points in 2013, it now has 33 out of 100 points. 0 stands for highly corrupt and 100 for very clean.

Although it is still rated low, it is one of the few countries that have “significantly improved” in the corruption index, according to Transparency. Despite the Russian invasion, Ukraine has managed to take real steps to fight corruption. These included a national anti-corruption strategy passed by parliament and the appointment of a new head of the agency that brings corruption cases to justice.

However, Transparency International also notes that Russia’s war of aggression “has disrupted some of the reform processes and exacerbated the risks of corruption.” Among other things, the organization refers to the recent scandal in the Ministry of Defense, which had bought significantly overpriced food for the military.

After several corruption scandals, the Ukrainian government recently fired five governors and four deputy ministers. Journalists had previously reported on the embezzlement of funds from several top officials. The EU, itself shaken by a corruption scandal in Brussels, then welcomed Kyiv’s decision to take the allegations of corruption seriously. At the same time, however, she called for guarantees for donors that funds would be used sensibly.

Russia has dropped one point in the corruption ranking and is now in 137th place worldwide with 28 points. The best country is Denmark with 90 points, Germany has 79 points. Every year, Transparency International compiles its Corruption Perceptions Index, which is based on international analysis and surveys on corruption. The index measures how corruption is perceived in business, politics and administration.