Spending too much time on your cell phone or computer coupled with the wrong posture can quickly lead to a stiff neck, known as the “tech neck”. How to avoid pain from too much screen time.

On average, Germans spend around ten hours a day in front of screens, i.e. 152 full days per year. Whether on a smartphone, PC, laptop or tablet – we usually adopt the wrong posture. This can quickly lead to the so-called “tech neck”. As the name suggests, it comes from spending too much time in front of the display. The stiff neck can lead to headaches, shoulder, back and even jaw pain. This is how you avoid the “Tech Neck”.

The solution to the problem is relatively simple: work dynamically. If you are at the computer, you should switch positions between sitting and standing about every 30 minutes. If you have an adjustable desk, you have an advantage: you can work standing up from time to time. But it can also work without it: you can use a phone call to walk up and down for a few minutes. A few simple (stretching) exercises in between can also relieve the neck. In addition, the correct posture is important when sitting: However, you should not necessarily sit too straight, but rather lean back 25 to 30 degrees.

An upright posture can also be supported by the right equipment at the workplace. The screen should be placed so that the top third of the screen surface is at eye level. If you only have one laptop on your desk in your home office, you can try a laptop stand that brings the screen to eye level. An external keyboard and mouse can also help prevent arching of the back and neck.

The same applies to smartphones: if you like to spend time scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, you should do so at eye level and not look down at the device. You can also try to bring the chin slightly towards the neck instead of stretching it forward – this straightens the neck. You should also keep actively thinking about relaxing your shoulders.