Learning and development have the highest priority in the company. This is especially true in companies that are preparing to increase their budgets as part of development initiatives. Combining modern technology platforms with creative methods enables teams to learn dynamically and approach the future. Along the way, watch out for the following mistakes with time clock payroll software.

1. Uneducated staff

Regardless of the type of time tracking system, you need trained employees who know how to operate the system. Fortunately, it won’t be difficult. Time clock payroll software is easy to use, always available and transparent. Employees should know basic things like logging in, logging out, etc. Otherwise there is a risk of administrative errors. Why is employee training and development important?

Employees are the company’s greatest assets, and investing in their talents is vital for sustainable growth and positive business results. Defined and targeted trainings encourage engagement and influence employee development, which is a crucial factor for your company’s financial performance.

2. Inappropriate system

Despite the advanced features of the time clock payroll software, many businesses make a big mistake when choosing. The main problem is insufficient research when looking for a suitable system. It is also important to know what your company’s needs are. That way, you will be able to find what you really need. For example, if you have opted for a system that does not contain geofencing, you cannot implement remote offices.

It’s also important to check for security features, as certain types are open to time theft. In such systems, employees can manipulate the number of working hours. The automated system simplifies everything and provides you with accurate information only if you find one that is compatible with your business.

Failure to comply with labor laws

Incorrect salary calculation is often the result of poor organization. For example, when you have a diverse staff working in several different shifts, you also need a lot of people. Even when you acquire time clock payroll software that eliminates the need for HR professionals, there is a risk of non-compliance. In order not to experience such a situation, inform yourself about the regulations in time. It is necessary to constantly refresh your knowledge, because labor laws change frequently.

3. Bad salary calculation

Time clock payroll software allows you to calculate overtime, commission, deductions and more. However, payroll regulations do not have to be the same in two different states. Therefore, make an effort to additionally ensure the monitoring of employees’ working hours. Pay attention to retroactive payments, deductions for benefits and others, new members as well as those on leave.

Before hiring new people, it is important to divide them into clear categories. Determine the business relationship with each of them, because not every employee has to work permanently. That way, you will record them correctly in the system and you won’t make a mistake when paying.


Learning and development have the highest priority in the company. This is especially true for companies that are preparing to increase their budgets as part of development initiatives, combining modern technological platforms with creative methods.