Schwerin (dpa / mv) – In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s fields and meadows, comparatively little manure, manure and liquid fermentation residues end up as fertilizer. With 5.7 cubic meters per hectare, the north-east was recently in third place among the federal states with the lowest quantities. According to the State Statistical Office, only the farmers in Rhineland-Pfanlz (5 cubic meters) and Brandenburg (5.4 cubic meters) brought less liquid manure to the fields and meadows from March 2019 to February 2020. According to the information from Monday, the value for the entire federal territory was 11.5 cubic meters per hectare. These are the most recent figures available.

For fertilization, farmers use not only liquid but also solid manure such as stable manure and dried chicken manure as well as mineral fertilizers. Because of the harmful effects on groundwater, farmers are required to use fertilizers more sparingly in polluted regions.